
Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread.

Post your solutions to the Sep 11 In-class Exercise to this Thread.
Post your solutions to the Sep 11 In-class Exercise to this Thread. Best, Chris

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) {
	$a = $P[$t];
	while($low <= $high) {
		$m = ($low + $high)/2;
		if($a[$m] == $current)
			return $a[$m+1];
		if($a[$m] < $current)			
			$low = $m + 1;	
			$high = $m - 1;
	return $a[$low];
$t = "frog"; $P = [
   "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9],
   "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50],
   "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67]
echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);
(Edited: 2019-09-11)
<?php function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) { $a = $P[$t]; while($low <= $high) { $m = ($low + $high)/2; if($a[$m] == $current) return $a[$m+1]; if($a[$m] < $current) $low = $m + 1; else $high = $m - 1; } return $a[$low]; } $t = "frog"; $P = [ "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50], "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67] ]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
<?php function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) {
    while($high - $low > 1) {
        $mid = (int)($high+$low) / 2; 
        if($P[$t][$mid] < $current)
            return binarySearch($t,$P,$mid,$high,$current);
            return binarySearch($t,$P,$low,$mid,$current);
    if($high - $low == 1) {
        if($P[$t][$low] <= $current && $P[$t][$high] > $current) 
            return $P[$t][$high];
$t = "frog"; $P = [
   "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9],
   "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50],
   "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67]
]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);
<?php function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) { while($high - $low > 1) { $mid = (int)($high+$low) / 2; if($P[$t][$mid] < $current) return binarySearch($t,$P,$mid,$high,$current); else return binarySearch($t,$P,$low,$mid,$current); } if($high - $low == 1) { if($P[$t][$low] <= $current && $P[$t][$high] > $current) return $P[$t][$high]; } } $t = "frog"; $P = [ "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50], "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67] ]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
<?php function binarysearch($t,$P,$low,$high,$current){ $arr = $P[$t];
if ($high < $low)
        return false; 
    	$mid = floor(($high + $low)/2); 
    	if ($arr[$mid] == $current)  
   	 	elseif ($arr[$mid] > $current) { 
    	else { 
	return $arr[$low];
$t = "frog"; $P = [
   "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9],
   "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50],
   "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67]
]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);
<?php function binarysearch($t,$P,$low,$high,$current){ $arr = $P[$t]; if ($high < $low) return false; while($low<=$high){ $mid = floor(($high + $low)/2); if ($arr[$mid] == $current) $low=$mid+1; elseif ($arr[$mid] > $current) { $high=$mid-1; } else { $low=$mid+1; } } return $arr[$low]; } $t = "frog"; $P = [ "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50], "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67] ]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
<?php function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current){
    $mid = $low + ($high-$low)/2;
        if($P[$t][$low] > $current){
            return $P[$t][$low];
        else if($P[$t][$mid] <= $current){
            binarySearch($t,$P,$mid + 1, $high, $current);
    return $P[$t][$high];
$t = "frog"; $P=["aadvark" => [1, 5, 9],
    "frog" => [1,2,3,5,25,26,2,38,50],
    "salamander" => [1,3,14,6]
echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14); ?>
(Edited: 2019-09-11)
<?php function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current){ $mid = $low + ($high-$low)/2; if($low<=$high){ if($P[$t][$low] > $current){ return $P[$t][$low]; } else if($P[$t][$mid] <= $current){ binarySearch($t,$P,$mid + 1, $high, $current); } } return $P[$t][$high]; } $t = "frog"; $P=["aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1,2,3,5,25,26,2,38,50], "salamander" => [1,3,14,6] ]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14); ?>

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
  function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current){
      if($P[$t][$low] > $current){
        return $P[$t][$low];
      while($low <= $high){
        $mid = ($low + $high)/2;
        if($P[$t][$mid] == $current){
          return $P[$t][$mid + 1];
        }elseif($current < $P[$t][$mid]){
          $high = $mid - 1;
          $low = $mid + 1;
      return $P[$t][floor($high)];
$t = "frog"; $P = [
   "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9],
   "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50],
   "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67]
echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);
(Edited: 2019-09-11)
function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current){ if($P[$t][$low] > $current){ return $P[$t][$low]; } while($low <= $high){ $mid = ($low + $high)/2; if($P[$t][$mid] == $current){ return $P[$t][$mid + 1]; }elseif($current < $P[$t][$mid]){ $high = $mid - 1; }else{ $low = $mid + 1; } } return $P[$t][floor($high)]; } $t = "frog"; $P = [ "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50], "salamander" => [1 ,3, 14, 67] ]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14);

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
 function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current){
    $mid=$low + floor(($high-$low)/2);
    if($P[$t][$mid]==$current && $mid<count($P[$t])){
        return $P[$t][$mid];
    else if ($high-$low==1){
        return ($P[$t][$high]);
    else if ($P[$t][$mid]>$current){
        return binarysearch($t,$P,$low,$mid-1,$current);
    else if ($P[$t][$mid]<$current){
        return binarysearch($t,$P,$mid+1,$high,$current);
 $t = "salamander";
 $P = [
   "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9],
   "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50],
   "salamander" => [1 ,4, 14, 67]
 echo  binarySearch($t, $P, 1,2,9);
(Edited: 2019-09-11)
<?php function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current){ if($high>=$low){ $mid=$low + floor(($high-$low)/2); if($P[$t][$mid]==$current && $mid<count($P[$t])){ return $P[$t][$mid]; } else if ($high-$low==1){ return ($P[$t][$high]); } else if ($P[$t][$mid]>$current){ return binarysearch($t,$P,$low,$mid-1,$current); } else if ($P[$t][$mid]<$current){ return binarysearch($t,$P,$mid+1,$high,$current); } } } $t = "salamander"; $P = [ "aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50], "salamander" => [1 ,4, 14, 67] ]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1,2,9); ?>

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) {
  if (count($P) === 0) return false;
  $a = $P[$t];
  $low = $low - 1;
  while ($low <= $high)
    $mid = floor(($low + $high) / 2);
    if($a[$mid] == $current)
      return true;
    if($current < $a[$mid])
      $high = $mid -1;
      $low = $mid + 1;
  return $a[$low];
$t = "frog"; $P = ["aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50], "salamander" => [1, 3, 14, 67]];
echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14); echo " ";
<?php function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) { if (count($P) === 0) return false; $a = $P[$t]; $low = $low - 1; while ($low <= $high) { $mid = floor(($low + $high) / 2); if($a[$mid] == $current) { return true; } if($current < $a[$mid]) { $high = $mid -1; } else { $low = $mid + 1; } } return $a[$low]; } $t = "frog"; $P = ["aadvark" => [1, 5, 9], "frog" => [1, 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 27, 38, 50], "salamander" => [1, 3, 14, 67]]; echo binarySearch($t, $P, 1, 4, 14); echo " "; ?>

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) {
    $array = $P[$t];
    return binarySearchHelper($array, $low, $high, $current);
} function binarySearchHelper($arr, $low, $high, $current) {
      return -1;
        return -1;
      if($current < $arr[$low])
         return $arr[$low];
      if($low == $high)
         return $arr[high];
        $mid = (($high - $low + 1) / 2);
        if ($arr[$mid] < $current)
            return binarySearchHelper($arr, $mid + 1, $high,  $current);
            return binarySearchHelper($arr, $low, $mid, $current);
} echo(binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current))
function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) { $array = $P[$t]; return binarySearchHelper($array, $low, $high, $current); } function binarySearchHelper($arr, $low, $high, $current) { if($current>$arr[$high]) { return -1; } if($high<$low) { return -1; } if($current < $arr[$low]) { return $arr[$low]; } if($low == $high) { return $arr[high]; } else { $mid = (($high - $low + 1) / 2); if ($arr[$mid] < $current) return binarySearchHelper($arr, $mid + 1, $high, $current); else return binarySearchHelper($arr, $low, $mid, $current); } } echo(binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current))

-- Sep 11 In-Class Exercise Thread
 function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current)
    if($P[$t][$low] > $current){
      return $P[$t][$low];
	}else if($P[$t][$high] <= $current){
	  return -1;
    while ($low < $high) { 
        $mid = floor(($low + $high) / 2); 
        if($P[$t][$mid] == $current) { 
                  return $P[$t][$mid+1];
        }elseif ($P[$t][$mid] > $current) { 
          if($P[$t][$mid-1] <= $current){
          	$high = $mid;
          }else {
            $high = $mid - 1; 
        }else { 
            $low = $mid + 1 ;
    return $P[$t][$high];
function binarySearch($t, $P, $low, $high, $current) { if($P[$t][$low] > $current){ return $P[$t][$low]; }else if($P[$t][$high] <= $current){ return -1; } while ($low < $high) { $mid = floor(($low + $high) / 2); if($P[$t][$mid] == $current) { return $P[$t][$mid+1]; }elseif ($P[$t][$mid] > $current) { if($P[$t][$mid-1] <= $current){ $high = $mid; }else { $high = $mid - 1; } }else { $low = $mid + 1 ; } } return $P[$t][$high]; }
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