Warning: Undefined variable $group_modifiers in /media/cpollett/extradrive1/yioop/src/controllers/GroupController.php on line 192
Yioop - PHP Search Engine
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-- Yioop 9 on Windows, PHP 7.4 and Apache 2.4 not crawling
Can you try checking unknown?
Can you try checking unknown?

-- Yioop 9 on Windows, PHP 7.4 and Apache 2.4 not crawling
I checked all in page options (including unknown), trying it again now.
I checked all in page options (including unknown), trying it again now.

-- Yioop 9 on Windows, PHP 7.4 and Apache 2.4 not crawling
In page Options, I ran the test again using URL for https://search.example.com/manual and got the redirections, then i tried the same on https://search.example.com/manual/index.html and got the warnings again, checked Apache logs and it says permission denied when the manuals folder has RW permissions for everybody, this is not making any sense to me.
In page Options, I ran the test again using URL for https://search.example.com/manual and got the redirections, then i tried the same on https://search.example.com/manual/index.html and got the warnings again, checked Apache logs and it says permission denied when the manuals folder has RW permissions for everybody, this is not making any sense to me.

-- Yioop 9 on Windows, PHP 7.4 and Apache 2.4 not crawling
Just as a sanity check can you view the web page you are trying to crawl in a browser using the developer mode and print the HTTP messages you see? Or from the command line use curl -v url_you_are_trying_to_crawl ? You keep mentioning read write permissions rather than saying that you saw 403 forbidden messages, so I just want to actually see what's going on.
Just as a sanity check can you view the web page you are trying to crawl in a browser using the developer mode and print the HTTP messages you see? Or from the command line use curl -v url_you_are_trying_to_crawl ? You keep mentioning read write permissions rather than saying that you saw 403 forbidden messages, so I just want to actually see what's going on. Chris

-- Yioop 9 on Windows, PHP 7.4 and Apache 2.4 not crawling
I browse those sites all the time and I get the pages in them, but they are a lot of pages so I wanted to put a search engine on them so I can find easily what I'm looking for, I thought Yioop would help, but it hasn't so I just deleted it from the web server, you can count this as closed.
I browse those sites all the time and I get the pages in them, but they are a lot of pages so I wanted to put a search engine on them so I can find easily what I'm looking for, I thought Yioop would help, but it hasn't so I just deleted it from the web server, you can count this as closed.