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-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
S -> SS|(S)|a
Add Start S0 -> S
Remove Unit Rules S0 -> SS|(S)|a S -> SS|(S)|a
Split rules with RHS longer than 2 S0 -> SS|A|a A -> (B B -> SC C -> )
S -> SS|(S)|a Add Start S0 -> S Remove Unit Rules S0 -> SS|(S)|a S -> SS|(S)|a Split rules with RHS longer than 2 S0 -> SS|A|a A -> (B B -> SC C -> )

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for inclass_exercise_03-18-2020.jpg
(Edited: 2020-03-20)
((resource:inclass_exercise_03-18-2020.jpg|Resource Description for inclass_exercise_03-18-2020.jpg))

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
Step 1. Add new start variable S0→ S S → SS|(S)|a
Step 2. No empty strings so no need to apply an empty rule. -
Step 3. Remove unit rules S0 → SS|(S)|a S → SS|(S)|a
Step 4. Split up rules with right-hand-side of length longer than 2 S0 → SS(A1, A2)a A1 → ( A2 → SA3 A3 → ) S → SS(B1, B2)a B1 → ( B2 → SB3 B3 → )
Step 5. Put each rule RHS length 2 in right format S0 → SS | A1A2 | a A1 → ( A2 → SA3 A3 → ) S → SS | B1B2 | a B1 → ( B2 → SB3 B3 → )
Step 1. Add new start variable S0→ S S → SS|(S)|a Step 2. No empty strings so no need to apply an empty rule. - Step 3. Remove unit rules S0 → SS|(S)|a S → SS|(S)|a Step 4. Split up rules with right-hand-side of length longer than 2 S0 → SS(A1, A2)a A1 → ( A2 → SA3 A3 → ) S → SS(B1, B2)a B1 → ( B2 → SB3 B3 → ) Step 5. Put each rule RHS length 2 in right format S0 → SS | A1A2 | a A1 → ( A2 → SA3 A3 → ) S → SS | B1B2 | a B1 → ( B2 → SB3 B3 → )

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for IMG_1833.jpg
((resource:IMG_1833.jpg|Resource Description for IMG_1833.jpg))

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
Step 1: Add new start variable to get: S0 -> S, S -> SS|(S)|a
Step 2: Remove ε rules. In this case, there aren't any, so we still have: S0 -> S, S -> SS|(S)|a
Step 3: Remove unit rules. S0 -> SS|(S)|a S -> SS|(S)|a
Step 4: Split up rules with RHS of length longer than 2: S0 -> SS(S1|a
S -> SS|(S2|a
S1 -> S)
S2 -> S)
Step 5: Put each rule with RHS of length 2 into the correct format: S0 -> SS|A1B1|a
S -> SS|A2B2|a
B1 -> SA3
B2 -> SA4
A1 -> (
A2 -> (
A3 -> )
A4 -> )
(Edited: 2020-03-22)
Step 1: Add new start variable to get: S0 -> S, S -> SS|(S)|a Step 2: Remove ε rules. In this case, there aren't any, so we still have: S0 -> S, S -> SS|(S)|a Step 3: Remove unit rules. S0 -> SS|(S)|a S -> SS|(S)|a Step 4: Split up rules with RHS of length longer than 2: S0 -> SS(S1|a S -> SS|(S2|a S1 -> S) S2 -> S) Step 5: Put each rule with RHS of length 2 into the correct format: S0 -> SS|A1B1|a S -> SS|A2B2|a B1 -> SA3 B2 -> SA4 A1 -> ( A2 -> ( A3 -> ) A4 -> )

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
[[/Users/jun/Downloads/image0.jpg|In class]]

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for IMG_6404.JPG Resource Description for IMG_6404.JPG
(Edited: 2020-03-22)
((resource:IMG_6404.JPG|Resource Description for IMG_6404.JPG)) ((resource:IMG_6404.JPG|Resource Description for IMG_6404.JPG))

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
S -> SS | (S) | a
add start variable
S0 -> S
S -> SS | (S) | a
remove e rules : None
remove unit rules
S0 -> SS | (S) | a
S -> SS | (S) | a
Split up rules with RHS of length longer than 2:
S0 -> SS | AB | a
A -> (
B -> S)
S -> SS | CD | a
C -> (
D -> S)
Convert to acceptable form
S0 -> SS | AB | a
A -> (
B -> SB2
B2 -> )
S -> SS | CD | a
C -> (
D -> SD2
D2 -> )
(Edited: 2020-03-22)
S -> SS | (S) | a add start variable S0 -> S S -> SS | (S) | a remove e rules : None remove unit rules S0 -> SS | (S) | a S -> SS | (S) | a Split up rules with RHS of length longer than 2: S0 -> SS | AB | a A -> ( B -> S) S -> SS | CD | a C -> ( D -> S) Convert to acceptable form S0 -> SS | AB | a A -> ( B -> SB2 B2 -> ) S -> SS | CD | a C -> ( D -> SD2 D2 -> )

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
(Edited: 2020-03-22)

-- Mar 18 In-Class Exercise
Step 1: Add new start variable
 S0 -> S
 S -> SS|(S)|a
Step 2: Remove ε rules, in this case, there aren't any so we still have:
 S0 -> S
 S -> SS|(S)|a
Step 3: Remove unit rules.
 S0 -> SS|(S)|a
 S -> SS|(S)|a
Step 4: Split up rules with RHS of length longer than 2:
 S0 -> SS|(S1|a
 S -> SS|(S2|a
 S1 -> S)
 S2 -> S)
Step 5: Put each rule with RHS of length 2 into the correct format:
 S0 -> SS|T1S1|a
 S -> SS|T2S2|a
 S1 -> SR3
 S2 -> SR4
 T1 -> (
 T2 -> (
 R3 -> )
 R4 -> )
Step 1: Add new start variable S0 -> S S -> SS|(S)|a Step 2: Remove ε rules, in this case, there aren't any so we still have: S0 -> S S -> SS|(S)|a Step 3: Remove unit rules. S0 -> SS|(S)|a S -> SS|(S)|a Step 4: Split up rules with RHS of length longer than 2: S0 -> SS|(S1|a S -> SS|(S2|a S1 -> S) S2 -> S) Step 5: Put each rule with RHS of length 2 into the correct format: S0 -> SS|T1S1|a S -> SS|T2S2|a S1 -> SR3 S2 -> SR4 T1 -> ( T2 -> ( R3 -> ) R4 -> )
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