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-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
Fact: Enrollment (StudentID, CourseID, ProfessorID, College ID, GradeID)
 Student (ID, Name, Major)
 Course (ID, Name, Department)
 Professor (ID, Name, Department, College)College(ID, Course , Professor)
Grade(ID, SID, Course, grade)
Fact: Enrollment (StudentID, CourseID, ProfessorID, College ID, GradeID) Dimensions: Student (ID, Name, Major) Course (ID, Name, Department) Professor (ID, Name, Department, College)College(ID, Course , Professor) Grade(ID, SID, Course, grade)

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
University(StudentID, CourseNumber, ProfessorID, DepartmentName, CollegeName)
Student(ID, FirstName, LastName, Major, Year, GPA)
Course(Number, Name, Section, Date, Time, Department, Units)
Professor(ID, FirstName, LastName, Subject, Department)
Department(Name, Head)
(Edited: 2020-05-06)
<pre> University(StudentID, CourseNumber, ProfessorID, DepartmentName, CollegeName) Student(ID, FirstName, LastName, Major, Year, GPA) Course(Number, Name, Section, Date, Time, Department, Units) Professor(ID, FirstName, LastName, Subject, Department) Department(Name, Head) </pre>

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
Fact: University(studentID, professorId, Department)
Student(studentID, studentName, Schedule, Major, Grades )
Professor(professorID, professorName, Teaching)
Department(Enrolled, Classes)
Fact: University(studentID, professorId, Department) Student(studentID, studentName, Schedule, Major, Grades ) Professor(professorID, professorName, Teaching) Department(Enrolled, Classes)

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
  University(College, Department, Course, Professor, Student)
  Department(Name, College, GPA)
  Course(Name, Professor, College, Department, Grade)
  Professor(Name, Department)
  Student(Name, GPA)
Fact University(College, Department, Course, Professor, Student) Dimensions Department(Name, College, GPA) Course(Name, Professor, College, Department, Grade) Professor(Name, Department) Student(Name, GPA)

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
Fact Table: University (Student, Professor, Department, College)
Dimension Tables
Student (ID, FirstName, LastName, GPA)
Professor (ID, FirstName, LastName, GPA)
Department (ID, Name, GPA)
College(ID, Name, GPA)
(Edited: 2020-05-07)
Fact Table: University (Student, Professor, Department, College) Dimension Tables Student (ID, FirstName, LastName, GPA) Professor (ID, FirstName, LastName, GPA) Department (ID, Name, GPA) College(ID, Name, GPA)

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
Fact Table - 
Enrollment(StudentID, DeptID, GPA) 
Dimension Tables - 
Student(StudentID, fName, lName, MajorID)
Faculty(FacultyID, fName, lName, Salary)
Department(DeptID, DeptName)
Courses(CourseID, CourseName, DeptID)
Section(SectionID, CourseID, FacultyID)
Major(MajorID, MajorName, DeptID)
(Edited: 2020-05-07)
<pre> Fact Table - Enrollment(StudentID, DeptID, GPA) Dimension Tables - Student(StudentID, fName, lName, MajorID) Faculty(FacultyID, fName, lName, Salary) Department(DeptID, DeptName) Courses(CourseID, CourseName, DeptID) Section(SectionID, CourseID, FacultyID) Major(MajorID, MajorName, DeptID) </pre>

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
fact table: (studID, Department, Professor, course, GPA)
dimension tables:
Student(Name, studID, Major, GPA)
Professor(ProfID, Name, Subject)
Department(Name, deptID, average_grade)
fact table: (studID, Department, Professor, course, GPA) dimension tables: Student(Name, studID, Major, GPA) Professor(ProfID, Name, Subject) Department(Name, deptID, average_grade)

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
 Fact: University(studentId, profressorId, departmentId, collegeId)
 Student(studentId, first, last, GPA)
 Professor(profId, first, last, salary)
 Department(depId, deptName, building)
 College(collegeId, collegeName, city)
(Edited: 2020-05-11)
Fact: University(studentId, profressorId, departmentId, collegeId) Dimensions: Student(studentId, first, last, GPA) Professor(profId, first, last, salary) Department(depId, deptName, building) College(collegeId, collegeName, city)

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
The star schema:
  Fact table:
    enrollment(student_id, grade, course_id, section_id, professor_id) 
  Dimension tables:
    student(fname, lname, student_id, enrollment_status)
    course(department, course_id, section_id, enrollment_count, instructor)
    professor(fname, lname, department, position) 
<pre> The star schema: Fact table: enrollment(student_id, grade, course_id, section_id, professor_id) Dimension tables: student(fname, lname, student_id, enrollment_status) course(department, course_id, section_id, enrollment_count, instructor) professor(fname, lname, department, position) </pre>

-- May 6 In-Class Exercise
 Fact: Enrollment (Student, Course, Professor, Grade)
 Student (ID, Fname, Lname, Major)
 Course (Number, Name, Department)
 Professor (ID, Fname, Lname, Department, College)
(Edited: 2020-05-11)
Fact: Enrollment (Student, Course, Professor, Grade) Dimensions: Student (ID, Fname, Lname, Major) Course (Number, Name, Department) Professor (ID, Fname, Lname, Department, College)
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