
Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread.

Post your solutions to the Nov 4 In-Class Exercise to this thread.
Best, Chris
(Edited: 2020-11-03)
Post your solutions to the Nov 4 In-Class Exercise to this thread. Best, Chris

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
Cart Test var Cart = new Object(); Cart.broccoli = 50; Cart.cabbage = 20; Cart.prettyPrint = function() { for(item in this) { if(item !== 'prettyPrint') { document.write(''+item+': '+Cart[item] + ''); } } } Cart.prettyPrint()
(Edited: 2020-11-04)
<nowiki><!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Cart Test</title> </head> <body> <script> var Cart = new Object(); Cart.broccoli = 50; Cart.cabbage = 20; Cart.prettyPrint = function() { for(item in this) { if(item !== 'prettyPrint') { document.write(''+item+': '+Cart[item] + '<br />'); } } } Cart.prettyPrint() </script> </body> </html></nowiki>

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
Cart = {
    banana: "1.99",
    apple: "1.00",
    bread: "3.99",
    jelly: "4.99",
    prettyPrint: function() {
        for (prop in Cart){
            if (prop != "prettyPrint"){
                console.log(prop + ": " + Cart[prop]);
Cart = { banana: "1.99", apple: "1.00", bread: "3.99", jelly: "4.99", prettyPrint: function() { for (prop in Cart){ if (prop != "prettyPrint"){ console.log(prop + ": " + Cart[prop]); } } } } Cart.prettyPrint();

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
function cart(){
    this.items = new Array("cookies","cereal", "pancake mix");
    this.prices = new Array(1.25,2.50,3.75);
    cart.prototype.display = function (){
        for(i = 0; i < this.items.length;i++){
            if(this.items[i] != "prettyPrint"){
                console.log("Item: ", this.items[i]);
                console.log("Price: ",this.prices[i]);
my_cart = new cart(); my_cart.display();
function cart(){ this.items = new Array("cookies","cereal", "pancake mix"); this.prices = new Array(1.25,2.50,3.75); cart.prototype.display = function (){ for(i = 0; i < this.items.length;i++){ if(this.items[i] != "prettyPrint"){ console.log("Item: ", this.items[i]); console.log("Price: ",this.prices[i]); } } } } my_cart = new cart(); my_cart.display();

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
<body> <script>
    function cart()
   this.beans = "3.50",
   this.leeks = "4.44";
   this.prettyPrint = function() {
    for (stuff in this) {
        if (stuff != "prettyPrint"){
            document.write('<h1>' + stuff + ' ' + this[stuff] + '</h1>');
} }
    var myCart = new cart();
</script> </body>
<html> <body> <script> function cart() { this.beans = "3.50", this.leeks = "4.44"; this.prettyPrint = function() { for (stuff in this) { if (stuff != "prettyPrint"){ document.write('<h1>' + stuff + ' ' + this[stuff] + '</h1>'); } } } } var myCart = new cart(); myCart.prettyPrint(); </script> </body> </html>

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
function display_cart() { console.log("Grocery Items and Prices: ", this.grocery_item," - ",this.price); } function cart(new_grocery_item, new_price){ this.grocery_item = new_grocery_item; this.price = new_price; } cart.prototype.display = display_cart; first_cart = new cart("cabbage", 1.50); second_cart = new cart("carrots", 0.99); first_cart.display(); second_cart.display();
<nowiki> function display_cart() { console.log("Grocery Items and Prices: ", this.grocery_item," - ",this.price); } function cart(new_grocery_item, new_price){ this.grocery_item = new_grocery_item; this.price = new_price; } cart.prototype.display = display_cart; first_cart = new cart("cabbage", 1.50); second_cart = new cart("carrots", 0.99); first_cart.display(); second_cart.display(); </nowiki>

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
function cart(items, price) {
    this.items = items;
    this.price = price;
function prettyPrint() {
    groceryCart = new cart(["milk", "cheese"], [2, 3]);
    for (i = 0; i < groceryCart.items.length; i++)
        console.log("Item: " + groceryCart.items[i] + " Price: $" + groceryCart.price[i]);
} prettyPrint();
function cart(items, price) { this.items = items; this.price = price; } function prettyPrint() { groceryCart = new cart(["milk", "cheese"], [2, 3]); for (i = 0; i < groceryCart.items.length; i++) { console.log("Item: " + groceryCart.items[i] + " Price: $" + groceryCart.price[i]); } } prettyPrint();

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var shoppingCart = new Object();
    shoppingCart.ice_cream = 7;
    shoppingCart.green_tea = 10;
    shoppingCart.prettyPrint = function()
      for(merch in shoppingCart)
        if(merch != "prettyPrint")
          document.write(merch +''+ shoppingCart[merch] + '
</br>'); } } } var cart = new shoppingCart(); cart.prettyPrint(); </script> </body>
<body> <script type="text/javascript"> var shoppingCart = new Object(); shoppingCart.ice_cream = 7; shoppingCart.green_tea = 10; shoppingCart.prettyPrint = function() { for(merch in shoppingCart) { if(merch != "prettyPrint") { document.write(merch +''+ shoppingCart[merch] + '<br></br>'); } } } var cart = new shoppingCart(); cart.prettyPrint(); </script> </body>

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
function Cart(...items) { return{
        for(item of items){
        console.log("Name: ",item[0]," Price: ",item[1])
} var x=Cart(["milk",2],["banana",4],["apple",5]) x.prettyPrint()
function Cart(...items) { return{ prettyPrint:()=>{ for(item of items){ console.log("Name: ",item[0]," Price: ",item[1]) } }} } var x=Cart(["milk",2],["banana",4],["apple",5]) x.prettyPrint()

-- Nov 4 In-Class Exercise Thread
var groceryList = new Object(); groceryList.Apple = "$20"; groceryList.Orange = "$25"; groceryList.Banana = "$19";
for (var prop in groceryList) {
  console.log("Food: ", prop, " Price: ", groceryList[prop]);
var groceryList = new Object(); groceryList.Apple = "$20"; groceryList.Orange = "$25"; groceryList.Banana = "$19"; for (var prop in groceryList) { console.log("Food: ", prop, " Price: ", groceryList[prop]); }
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