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-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for myphoto.jpg
((resource:myphoto.jpg|Resource Description for myphoto.jpg))

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!doctype html>
<html lang='en-us'>
<title>Giant Pink Red</title>
.red {color:red}
.giant {font-size:3in}
.giantred {background-color:pink}
<p>Hello, world!</p>
<p class="red">Hello, world!</p>
<p class="giant">Hello, world!</p>
<p class="giantred">Hello, world!</p>
<p class="red">Hello, world!
	<span class="giant">
		Hello, world!
</p> <p class="giant">Hello, world!
	<span class="red">
			Hello, world!
</p> </body> </html> Resource Description for in class exercise 17.PNG
<pre> <!doctype html> <html lang='en-us'> <head> <title>Giant Pink Red</title> <style> .red {color:red} .giant {font-size:3in} .giantred {background-color:pink} </style> </head> <body> <p>Hello, world!</p> <p class="red">Hello, world!</p> <p class="giant">Hello, world!</p> <p class="giantred">Hello, world!</p> <p class="red">Hello, world! <span class="giant"> Hello, world! </span> </p> <p class="giant">Hello, world! <span class="red"> Hello, world! </span> </p> </body> </html> </pre> ((resource:in class exercise 17.PNG|Resource Description for in class exercise 17.PNG))

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for In-Class Exercise 02.17.21.JPG
((resource:In-Class Exercise 02.17.21.JPG|Resource Description for In-Class Exercise 02.17.21.JPG))

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!DOCTYPE html> <head>
<style> .red {
	color: red;
} .giant {
	font-size: 3in;
  .red.giant {
    background-color: pink;
</style> </head> <body>
	<p>hello world</p>
	<p class="red">hello world</p>
	<p class="giant">hello world</p>
	<p class="red giant">hello world</p>
	<p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p>
	<p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p>
</body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>exercise</title> <style> .red { color: red; } .giant { font-size: 3in; } .red.giant { background-color: pink; } </style> </head> <body> <p>hello world</p> <p class="red">hello world</p> <p class="giant">hello world</p> <p class="red giant">hello world</p> <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p> </body> </html>

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!doctype html> <html> <head><title>Font styles and classes </title> <style> .red {color:red} .giant {font-size:3in} </style> </head>
  <!--one without a class attribute,
   one with class attribute value red
   one with class attribute giant,
   one with both,
   one with class attribute red which a nested span tag with class attribute giant,
   and finally,
   one with class attribute giant which a nested span tag with class attribute red.</-->
<p class ="red">hello world</p> <p style="color:red">hello world</p> <p class="giant">hello world</p> <p class="giant red">hello world</p> <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p>
(Edited: 2021-02-17)
<!doctype html> <html> <head><title>Font styles and classes </title> <style> .red {color:red} .giant {font-size:3in} </style> </head> <body> <!--one without a class attribute, one with class attribute value red one with class attribute giant, one with both, one with class attribute red which a nested span tag with class attribute giant, and finally, one with class attribute giant which a nested span tag with class attribute red.</--> <p class ="red">hello world</p> <p style="color:red">hello world</p> <p class="giant">hello world</p> <p class="giant red">hello world</p> <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p> </body> </html>

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>feb17 exercise</title>
      .red {
        color: red;
      .giant {
        font-size: 3in;
      .giant.red {
        background-color: pink;
    <p>hello world</p>
    <p class="red">hello world</p>
    <p class="giant">hello world</p>
    <p class="giant red">hello world</p>
    <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p>
    <p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p>
Resource Description for Screen Shot 2021-02-17 at 4.03.26 PM.png (Edited: 2021-02-17)
<pre> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>feb17 exercise</title> <style> .red { color: red; } .giant { font-size: 3in; } .giant.red { background-color: pink; } </style> </head> <body> <p>hello world</p> <p class="red">hello world</p> <p class="giant">hello world</p> <p class="giant red">hello world</p> <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p> </body> </html> </pre> ((resource:Screen Shot 2021-02-17 at 4.03.26 PM.png|Resource Description for Screen Shot 2021-02-17 at 4.03.26 PM.png))

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!doctype html> <html>
		<title> Web page </title>
			.giant .red {
				background-color: pink;
			.giant {
				font-size: 3in;
			.red {
				color: red;
		<p> hello world </p>
		<p class="red"> hello world </p>
		<p class="giant"> hello world </p>
		<p class="giant red"> hello world </p>
		<p class="red"><span class="giant"> hello world </span></p>
		<p class="giant"><span class="red"> hello world </span></p>
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title> Web page </title> <style> .giant .red { font-size:3in; background-color: pink; } .giant { font-size: 3in; } .red { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <p> hello world </p> <p class="red"> hello world </p> <p class="giant"> hello world </p> <p class="giant red"> hello world </p> <p class="red"><span class="giant"> hello world </span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="red"> hello world </span></p> </body> </html>

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>
    <meta name="viewport" , content="width=device-width, initial-scale= 1.0">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style type="text/css">
                              color: red;
        font-size: 3in;
        background-color: pink;
<<P class = "red">Hello World</P> <P class = "Giant">Hello World</P> <P class = "Giant red">Hello World</P> <P>Hello World </P> <P class ="giant"><span class = " red">Hello World</span></P> <P class = "red"> <span class = "giant"> Hello World </span> </P> <span></span>
</body> </html>* Unordered list item
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name="viewport" , content="width=device-width, initial-scale= 1.0"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <style type="text/css"> .red{ color: red; } .giant{ font-size: 3in; } .red.giant{ background-color: pink; } </style> <body> <<P class = "red">Hello World</P> <P class = "Giant">Hello World</P> <P class = "Giant red">Hello World</P> <P>Hello World </P> <P class ="giant"><span class = " red">Hello World</span></P> <P class = "red"> <span class = "giant"> Hello World </span> </P> <span></span> </body> </html>* Unordered list item

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!doctype html> <head>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    .red {
    color: red;
    .giant {
    font-size: 3in;
    .giant .red {
    background-color: pink;
</head> <body> <p>hello world</p> <p class="red">hello world</p> <p class="giant">hello world</p> <p class="giant red">hello world</p> <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="giant">hello world</spant></p> </body> </html
(Edited: 2021-02-17)
<!doctype html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Exercise</title> <style> .red { color: red; } .giant { font-size: 3in; } .giant .red { background-color: pink; } </style> </head> <body> <p>hello world</p> <p class="red">hello world</p> <p class="giant">hello world</p> <p class="giant red">hello world</p> <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="giant">hello world</spant></p> </body> </html

-- Feb 17 In-Class Exercise
<!DOCTYPE html>
                color: red;
            .giant {
                font-size: 3in;
                background-color: pink;
        <p>hello world</p>
        <p class="red">hello world</p>
        <p class="giant">hello world</p>
        <p class="giant red">hello world</p>
        <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p>
        <p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p>
<pre> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .red{ color: red; } .giant { font-size: 3in; } .giant.red{ background-color: pink; } </style> </head> <body> <p>hello world</p> <p class="red">hello world</p> <p class="giant">hello world</p> <p class="giant red">hello world</p> <p class="red"><span class="giant">hello world</span></p> <p class="giant"><span class="red">hello world</span></p> </body> </html> </pre>
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