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-- Apr 20 In-Class Exercise
Memory limit M = 200,000 docs No of pages to be indexed = 1 billion No of machines = 4 No of pages per machine N = 1 billion/4 =250,000,000 t = log2(N/M) = log2(1250) = 10 The largest generation is 10 9 merges are required.
Memory limit M = 200,000 docs No of pages to be indexed = 1 billion No of machines = 4 No of pages per machine N = 1 billion/4 =250,000,000 t = log2(N/M) = log2(1250) = 10 The largest generation is 10 9 merges are required.

-- Apr 20 In-Class Exercise
max. index docs = 200,000
no. of pages to index (p) = 1,000,000,000
no. of machines = 4
no. of pages to index per machine = p/4 = 250,000,000

gen      docs
0       200,000
1       2^2 * 200,000 = 400,000

n       2^t * 200,000 = ? 
But total num of docs = 250,000,000
So, 2^t * 200000 = 250,000,000
2^t = 1275
t = round_down(log2(1275))
t = 10
As t refers to the no. of gen 
So largest no of gen is 10

And so max 9 merges required
((resource:apr20.txt|Resource Description for apr20.txt))

-- Apr 20 In-Class Exercise
Maximum docs = 200,000 Number of machines = 4 Let number of generation be t 1,000,000,000/4 = 200,000 x 2^t 1250 = 2^t Therefore t is log(1250) which is 10
Maximum docs = 200,000 Number of machines = 4 Let number of generation be t 1,000,000,000/4 = 200,000 x 2^t 1250 = 2^t Therefore t is log(1250) which is 10

-- Apr 20 In-Class Exercise
Total number of documents(N) - 1 billion
Machines count- 4 
Memory limit(M)- 200000 documents
Number of pages each machine will process = 1 billion/4 machines = 250 million
t = log_2 (250000000 / 200000) = log2(1250) = 10 generations
The largest generation is 10.
Max number of generations merged is 9
(Edited: 2022-04-25)
<pre> Total number of documents(N) - 1 billion Machines count- 4 Memory limit(M)- 200000 documents Number of pages each machine will process = 1 billion/4 machines = 250 million t = log_2 (250000000 / 200000) = log2(1250) = 10 generations The largest generation is 10. Max number of generations merged is 9 </pre>

-- Apr 20 In-Class Exercise
In the memory, only 200000 documents can be stored. However, there are a total of 1 billion documents and 4 machines.
Each machine can process = 1 billion documents / 4 = 250 million documents
t = log2 (250000000 / 200000) = log2(1250) β‰ˆ 10.
That means the largest number of generations is 10. So, a maximum of 9 merges is required.
(Edited: 2022-04-25)
In the memory, only 200000 documents can be stored. However, there are a total of 1 billion documents and 4 machines. Each machine can process = 1 billion documents / 4 = 250 million documents t = log2 (250000000 / 200000) = log2(1250) β‰ˆ 10. That means the largest number of generations is 10. So, a maximum of 9 merges is required.

-- Apr 20 In-Class Exercise
only 200000 docs can be stored at a time.
 There is 1 billion documents 
 4 machines 
 2^t * 200000 = 1000000000/4  
 t = 250000000
 2^t *2 = 1275
 t = log 1275 = 10 
 largest generation number: 10
 most generations needed: 9 
(Edited: 2022-04-25)
only 200000 docs can be stored at a time. There is 1 billion documents 4 machines 2^t * 200000 = 1000000000/4 t = 250000000 2^t *2 = 1275 t = log 1275 = 10 largest generation number: 10 most generations needed: 9

-- Apr 20 In-Class Exercise
Total no of documents = 1 Billion Memory limit = 200,000 No of Machines = 4 No of documents to be processed by each machine = 250 Million log(250 Million / 200,000) = log(1250) ~ 10
So the largest no of generation is 10 And so maximum 9 merges are required
Total no of documents = 1 Billion Memory limit = 200,000 No of Machines = 4 No of documents to be processed by each machine = 250 Million log(250 Million / 200,000) = log(1250) ~ 10 So the largest no of generation is 10 And so maximum 9 merges are required