Subsearches are specialized searches hosted on a Yioop site other than the default index. For example, a site might have a usual web search and also offer News and Images subsearches. A list of links to all the current subsearches on a Yioop site appear under the hamburger menu on the search landing page provided the Pages Options : Search Time : Subsearch checkbox is checked. The Add a Subsearch form let's you set up such a subsearch. The components of this form are as follows:

The Folder Name of a subsearch is the name that appears as part of the query string when doing a search restricted to that subsearch. After creating a subsearch, the table below the form will have a Localize link next to its name. This lets you give names for your subsearch with respect to different languages.

The Source dropdown on the form let's you choose one of the previously crawled indexes, defined crawl mixes, or defined trend categories to use for the subsearch. If Trend Category is chosen the appearance of the form is slightly different. We first cover the remainder of the form for the selection of a crawl index or a mix as a type.

The Results Per Page dropdown on the form controls the number of search results that are displayed per page for the search results for the subsearch. For standard search this is usually 10, but for other kinds of searches such as images or news it is often convenient to have a larger number.

The Landing Priority priority dropdown controls whether top five link highlight of the default subsearch search is displayed on the landing page under the search bar, and if so, its placement. If No Highlight is selected then no highlight is shown; otherwise, subsearches with highlights are presented in descending order of their priority. In the case the subsearch is a Trending Category subsearch, than rather then select the top five link as the highlight, a selection of nine or so randomly chosen trending terms for that category are used.
The Default Query field controls the query that should be run by default if the user hasn't entered a query. For example, for a news feed one might have <code>lang:default-major</code>. This says if the user doesn't enter a query search <code>lang:default-major</code> to get the most recent news in the default language.
When Trend Category is selected as the search source, the Add Subsearch form has two additional dropdowns: Category and Sort . The former allows the user to select from the available trend categories a trend category for this subsearch, Sort lets the user specify whether the trends should be sorted according to the names of the terms for that trend or the scores for terms, and if so, whether the sort should be ascending to descending.