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Discuss the page in this thread! Wed, 04 Sep 2019 17:44:49 -0700
Discuss the page in this thread! Wed, 04 Sep 2019 17:44:49 -0700

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Hello M. Chris
1 - Does Yioop plan to restart the index on the rest of the servers in case one of the servers goes down ??? How to protect the indexes of the Servers on which Yioop is installed if one of these Servers fails ?
We want suggestions for the YOOP's SPELLING CHECKER and AUTOCOMPLETION (suggestions for words when entering keywords in the search form that appear in the drop-down list) to match those offered by Google and Gigablast.com (the other Open-Source Search Engine written in C / C ++).
 2 -	 You will be able to modify the algorithm of the "Corrector of spelling" and that of "the AUTOCOMPLETION (suggestions of request appearing in drop-down list in the field input of the search engine)" which is not currently quite correct  and presentable by ADDING TO THEIR DICTIONARIES AND THEIR CURRENT ALGORITHMS, the "Keywords" and "Phrases" ALREADY PREVIOUSLY SEARCHED by Another User and also "Words / Expressions / Sentenses" ALREADY CRAWLED BY THE ROBOT for proposing  corrections or suggestions of queries of "smarter and more evolved way".

 3 -	 Correct the "late" Display Bug of the "Spell Checker" so that it is displayed "at the same time" (automatically or at the same time as the Search Results since it currently contains a Bug  which prevents it from quickly appearing at the same time as Search results) as does Google and other Search Engine.

 So, can you improve in this way ???
(Edited: 2019-09-05)
Hello M. Chris ---- '''1 - ''' Does Yioop plan to restart the index on the rest of the servers in case one of the servers goes down ??? How to protect the indexes of the Servers on which Yioop is installed if one of these Servers fails ? ---- We want suggestions for the YOOP's SPELLING CHECKER and AUTOCOMPLETION (suggestions for words when entering keywords in the search form that appear in the drop-down list) to match those offered by Google and Gigablast.com (the other Open-Source Search Engine written in C / C ++). ---- '''2 -''' You will be able to modify the algorithm of the "Corrector of spelling" and that of "the AUTOCOMPLETION (suggestions of request appearing in drop-down list in the field input of the search engine)" which is not currently quite correct and presentable by ADDING TO THEIR DICTIONARIES AND THEIR CURRENT ALGORITHMS, the "Keywords" and "Phrases" ALREADY PREVIOUSLY SEARCHED by Another User and also "Words / Expressions / Sentenses" ALREADY CRAWLED BY THE ROBOT for proposing corrections or suggestions of queries of "smarter and more evolved way". ---- '''3 -''' Correct the "late" Display Bug of the "Spell Checker" so that it is displayed "at the same time" (automatically or at the same time as the Search Results since it currently contains a Bug which prevents it from quickly appearing at the same time as Search results) as does Google and other Search Engine. ---- So, can you improve in this way ???

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(1) Yioop can restart the server if either the indexer or scheduler goes down. It is somewhat finicky in this, and this is one of the many things I am trying to improve such as (2) and (3).
(1) Yioop can restart the server if either the indexer or scheduler goes down. It is somewhat finicky in this, and this is one of the many things I am trying to improve such as (2) and (3). Best, Chris

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Hi Mr. Chris and thank you for your answers.
You may not understand my question N•1. In fact, if Yioop is installed on several machines and one of these machines suddenly breaks down, how can we recover the index crawled by the machine down ??? In other words, how to do not lose indexes or data ramped by a machine if this machine stops supposedly to work ???
(Edited: 2019-09-09)
Hi Mr. Chris and thank you for your answers. You may not understand my question N•1. In fact, if Yioop is installed on several machines and one of these machines suddenly breaks down, how can we recover the index crawled by the machine down ??? In other words, how to do not lose indexes or data ramped by a machine if this machine stops supposedly to work ???