
Homework 4 Questions & Answers.

Like usual, here are some clarifications that people might have for homework 4. Feel free to add to this discussion board with clarifications that you might have from the professor as well!
Question : Should we keep our dependencies (like Composer and Monolog) in .gitignore when we push to our repository?
Answer : You should not have Monolog as part of your repository.
Question : When we turn in our project in a zipped file, should we include these dependencies (so we can show you that we used it? or will you be using php composer.phar install to install all dependencies listed in our composer.json?)?
Answer : You can assume the grader will use composer to install dependencies.
Like usual, here are some clarifications that people might have for homework 4. Feel free to add to this discussion board with clarifications that you might have from the professor as well! '''Question''': Should we keep our dependencies (like Composer and Monolog) in .gitignore when we push to our repository? '''Answer''': You should not have Monolog as part of your repository. '''Question''': When we turn in our project in a zipped file, should we include these dependencies (so we can show you that we used it? or will you be using php composer.phar install to install all dependencies listed in our composer.json?)? '''Answer''': You can assume the grader will use composer to install dependencies.