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-- Practice Final Thread
 Group 2 Members: Zach Tom, Aniruddha Mallya 
 Problem 4: 
 Bitmap Index example: 
 Relational DB table containing name of person, gender and homeowner status:
 Name	Gender	Home Owner
 Ben	M	N
 Sarah	F	Y
 Ram	M	Y
 BitMap Index on Gender:                   
 M	F
 1	0
 0	1
 1	0
 BitMap Index on Home Owner: 
 Y	N
 0	1
 1	0
 1	0
 Bloom Filter example:
 Employee table has name, emp_id, dept and zipcode columns.
 CREATE INDEX bloomIdx ON employee USING bloom (emp_id) WITH (length=16, emp_id=4);
 Bloom filter is set on "emp_id" column with 4 bits and each row before insertion is 
 checked to see if employee id exists in the table.
Group 2 Members: Zach Tom, Aniruddha Mallya Problem 4: Bitmap Index example: Relational DB table containing name of person, gender and homeowner status: Name Gender Home Owner Ben M N Sarah F Y Ram M Y BitMap Index on Gender: M F 1 0 0 1 1 0 BitMap Index on Home Owner: Y N 0 1 1 0 1 0 Bloom Filter example: Employee table has name, emp_id, dept and zipcode columns. Syntax: CREATE INDEX bloomIdx ON employee USING bloom (emp_id) WITH (length=16, emp_id=4); Bloom filter is set on "emp_id" column with 4 bits and each row before insertion is checked to see if employee id exists in the table.