
Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread.

Please post your solutions to the Sep 15 In-Class Exercise to this thread.
Please post your solutions to the Sep 15 In-Class Exercise to this thread. Best, Chris

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
a dog pets the girl
sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb-phrase -> a noun verb-phrase -> a dog verb-phrase -> a dog verb noun-phrase -> a dog pets noun-phrase -> a dog pets article noun -> a dog pets the noun -> a dog pets the girl
noun-phrase verb-phrase
    |           |
article noun verb noun-phrase
  |      |    |        |
  a     dog  pets    article noun
                       |      |
                      the    girl
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
a dog pets the girl sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb-phrase -> a noun verb-phrase -> a dog verb-phrase -> a dog verb noun-phrase -> a dog pets noun-phrase -> a dog pets article noun -> a dog pets the noun -> a dog pets the girl sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | a dog pets article noun | | the girl

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ a noun verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb-phrase β†’ a dog pets noun-phrase β†’ a dog pets noun-phrase β†’ a dog pets article noun β†’ a dog pets the noun β†’ a dog pets the girl
noun-phrase verb-phrase
    |           |
article noun verb noun-phrase
  |      |        |        |
  a    dog      pets    article noun
                            |      |
                           the    girl
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ a noun verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb-phrase β†’ a dog pets noun-phrase β†’ a dog pets noun-phrase β†’ a dog pets article noun β†’ a dog pets the noun β†’ a dog pets the girl sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | a dog pets article noun | | the girl

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb noun-phrase -> article noun verb article noun -> a dog pets a dog
noun-phrase verb-phrase
    |           |
article noun verb noun-phrase
   |     |      |        |
   a    dog    pets      article noun
                          |      |
                          a    dog
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb noun-phrase -> article noun verb article noun -> a dog pets a dog sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | a dog pets article noun | | a dog

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
 <sentence> -> <noun-phrase> <verb-phrase>
 -> <article> <noun> <verb-phrase> -> a <noun> <verb-phrase>
 -> a girl <verb-phrase> -> a girl <verb> <noun-phrase>
 -> a girl sees <noun-phrase> -> a girl sees <article> <noun>
 -> a girl sees a <noun> -> a girl sees a dog
 noun-phrase verb-phrase
    |           |
 article noun    verb noun-phrase
  |      |        |        |
  a    girl     sees    article noun
                            |      |
                            a     dog
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
<sentence> -> <noun-phrase> <verb-phrase> -> <article> <noun> <verb-phrase> -> a <noun> <verb-phrase> -> a girl <verb-phrase> -> a girl <verb> <noun-phrase> -> a girl sees <noun-phrase> -> a girl sees <article> <noun> -> a girl sees a <noun> -> a girl sees a dog sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | a girl sees article noun | | a dog

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-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
the dog sees a dog
sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb noun-phrase -> the dog sees noun-phrase -> the dog sees article noun -> the dog sees a dog
 noun-phrase verb-phrase
     |           |
 article noun    verb noun-phrase
   |      |        |        |
  the   dog     sees    article noun
                             |      |
                             a     dog
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
the dog sees a dog sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb noun-phrase -> the dog sees noun-phrase -> the dog sees article noun -> the dog sees a dog sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | the dog sees article noun | | a dog

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb noun-phrase -> the dog verb noun-phase -> the dog bites a girl
noun-phrase verb-phrase
    |           |
article noun verb noun-phrase
  |      |        |        |
  The    dog      bites    article noun
                            |      |
                           a   girl
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
sentence -> noun-phrase verb-phrase -> article noun verb noun-phrase -> the dog verb noun-phase -> the dog bites a girl sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | The dog bites article noun | | a girl

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
the girl sees a girl.
sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ the noun verb-phrase β†’ the girl verb-phrase β†’ the girl verb noun-phrase β†’ the girl sees noun-phrase β†’ the girl sees article noun β†’ the girl sees a noun β†’ the girl sees a girl
noun-phrase verb-phrase
    |           |
article noun verb noun-phrase
  |      |        |        |
 the    girl     sees    article noun
                            |      |
                            a     girl
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
the girl sees a girl. sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ the noun verb-phrase β†’ the girl verb-phrase β†’ the girl verb noun-phrase β†’ the girl sees noun-phrase β†’ the girl sees article noun β†’ the girl sees a noun β†’ the girl sees a girl sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | the girl sees article noun | | a girl

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ a noun verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb-phrase β†’ a dog sees β†’ a dog sees noun-phrase β†’ a dog sees article noun β†’ a dog sees the noun β†’ a dog sees the girl
noun-phrase verb-phrase
    |           |
article noun verb noun-phrase
  |      |        |        |
  a    dog     sees     article noun
                            |      |
                           the     girl
(Edited: 2021-09-15)
sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ a noun verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb-phrase β†’ a dog sees β†’ a dog sees noun-phrase β†’ a dog sees article noun β†’ a dog sees the noun β†’ a dog sees the girl sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | a dog sees article noun | | the girl

-- Sep 15 In-Class Exercise Thread
sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ a noun verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb noun-phrase β†’ a dog sees noun-phrase β†’ a dog sees article noun β†’ a dog sees the noun β†’ a dog sees the girl sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | a dog sees article noun | | the girl
<nowiki>sentence β†’ noun-phrase verb-phrase β†’ article noun verb-phrase β†’ a noun verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb-phrase β†’ a dog verb noun-phrase β†’ a dog sees noun-phrase β†’ a dog sees article noun β†’ a dog sees the noun β†’ a dog sees the girl sentence | noun-phrase verb-phrase | | article noun verb noun-phrase | | | | a dog sees article noun | | the girl</nowiki>
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