
Apr 27 In-Class Exercise.

Please post your solutions to the Apr 27 In-Class Exercise to this thread.
Please post your solutions to the Apr 27 In-Class Exercise to this thread. Best, Chris

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
import math 
a = {
    "california": 95,
    "business": 601,
    "tax": 354,
    "return": 607
n = 250000
l_avg = 4 
def calc_score(new_query, given_query):
    score = 0
    for term in given_query:
        ftd = new_query.count(term)
        ftd_ = ftd * math.log(1 + l_avg / len(new_query), 2)
        num = math.log((1 + a[term] / n), 2) + ftd_ * math.log((1 + n / a[term]), 2)
        den = (ftd_ + 1)
        score += num / den
new_query = ["california", "business", "tax"]
given_query = ["california", "business"]
calc_score(new_query, given_query)
new_query = ["california", "business", "tax", "return"]
calc_score(new_query, given_query) 

 ["california", "business", "tax"] ---- > 11.038836781376123
 ["california", "business", "tax", "return"] ----> 10.035042371506819
(Edited: 2022-04-27)
<pre> import math a = { "california": 95, "business": 601, "tax": 354, "return": 607 } n = 250000 l_avg = 4 def calc_score(new_query, given_query): score = 0 for term in given_query: ftd = new_query.count(term) ftd_ = ftd * math.log(1 + l_avg / len(new_query), 2) num = math.log((1 + a[term] / n), 2) + ftd_ * math.log((1 + n / a[term]), 2) den = (ftd_ + 1) score += num / den print(score) new_query = ["california", "business", "tax"] given_query = ["california", "business"] calc_score(new_query, given_query) new_query = ["california", "business", "tax", "return"] calc_score(new_query, given_query) # ["california", "business", "tax"] ---- > 11.038836781376123 # ["california", "business", "tax", "return"] ----> 10.035042371506819 </pre>

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 4.11.43 PM.png
The output show as following:
['California', 'Business', 'Tax'], score: 11.038836781376123
['California', 'Business', 'Tax', 'Return'], score: 10.035042371506819
(Edited: 2022-04-27)
((resource:Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 4.11.43 PM.png|Resource Description for Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 4.11.43 PM.png)) The output show as following: <br/> ['California', 'Business', 'Tax'], score: 11.038836781376123 <br/> ['California', 'Business', 'Tax', 'Return'], score: 10.035042371506819 <br/>

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
package CS267; 
public class InClassExercise_27Apr { 
    public static void main(String args[])
        double n = 250000;
        double l_t[] = new double[]{95, 601, 354, 607};
        double f_t_d[] = new double[]{1,1,1,1};
        double fprime_t_d[] = new double[4];
        double l_avg =4;
        // California Business Tax
        double score = 0;
        double l_d = 3;
        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
            fprime_t_d[i] = f_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (l_avg/l_d))/Math.log(2));
        for(int i =0;i<2;i++)
            double numerator = (Math.log(1+ (l_t[i]/n))/Math.log(2)) + fprime_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (n/l_t[i]))/Math.log(2));
            double denominator = fprime_t_d[i] + 1;
            score = score + numerator/denominator;
        System.out.println("California Business Tax "+score);
        // California Business Tax Return
        score = 0;
        l_d = 4;
        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
            fprime_t_d[i] = f_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (l_avg/l_d))/Math.log(2));
        for(int i =0;i<2;i++)
            double numerator = (Math.log(1+ (l_t[i]/n))/Math.log(2)) + fprime_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (n/l_t[i]))/Math.log(2));
            double denominator = fprime_t_d[i] + 1;
            score = score + numerator/denominator;
        System.out.println("California Business Tax Return "+score); 
Resource Description for Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 4.27.49 PM.png
<pre> package CS267; public class InClassExercise_27Apr { public static void main(String args[]) { double n = 250000; double l_t[] = new double[]{95, 601, 354, 607}; double f_t_d[] = new double[]{1,1,1,1}; double fprime_t_d[] = new double[4]; double l_avg =4; // California Business Tax double score = 0; double l_d = 3; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { fprime_t_d[i] = f_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (l_avg/l_d))/Math.log(2)); } for(int i =0;i<2;i++) { double numerator = (Math.log(1+ (l_t[i]/n))/Math.log(2)) + fprime_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (n/l_t[i]))/Math.log(2)); double denominator = fprime_t_d[i] + 1; score = score + numerator/denominator; } System.out.println("California Business Tax "+score); // California Business Tax Return score = 0; l_d = 4; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { fprime_t_d[i] = f_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (l_avg/l_d))/Math.log(2)); } for(int i =0;i<2;i++) { double numerator = (Math.log(1+ (l_t[i]/n))/Math.log(2)) + fprime_t_d[i] * (Math.log(1+ (n/l_t[i]))/Math.log(2)); double denominator = fprime_t_d[i] + 1; score = score + numerator/denominator; } System.out.println("California Business Tax Return "+score); } } </pre> ((resource:Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 4.27.49 PM.png|Resource Description for Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 4.27.49 PM.png))

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
size(corpus) = 250000
lavg(query) = 4
n(california) = 95, n(business) = 601, n(tax) = 354, n(return) = 607
DFR = sum[log(1+lt/N)+f't,d*log(1+N/lt) / f't,d+1] 
1. california business tax
ld = 3 
ft,d (for each) = 1
f't,d (for each) = ft,d*log(1+lavg/ld)
 = 1*log(1+4/3) = log(7/3) = 1.22 
DFR (california) = log(1+95/250000)+1.22*log(1+250000/95) / 2.22
 = log(1.00038)+1.22*log(2632.58) / 2.22
 = 0.00055 + 1.22*11.36 / 2.22
 = 6.243 
DFR(business) = log(1+601/250000)+1.22*log(1+250000/601) / 2.22
 = log(1.0024)+1.22*log(416.97) / 2.22
 = 0.0034+1.22*8.70 / 2.22
 = 4.782 
DFR(total_1) = 6.243 + 4.782 = 11.025 
2. california business tax return
ld = 4 
ft,d (for each) = 1
f't,d (for each) = ft,d*log(1+lavg/ld)
 = 1*log(1+4/4) = log(2) = 1 
DFR (california) = log(1+95/250000)+1*log(1+250000/95) / 2
 = log(1.00038)+log(2632.58) / 2
 = 0.00055 + 11.36 / 2
 = 5.68 
DFR(business) = log(1+601/250000)+1*log(1+250000/601) / 2
 = log(1.0024)+log(416.97) / 2
 = 0.0034+8.70 / 2
 = 4.352 
DFR(total_2) = 5.68 + 4.352 = 10.032 
<pre> Given: size(corpus) = 250000 lavg(query) = 4 n(california) = 95, n(business) = 601, n(tax) = 354, n(return) = 607 DFR = sum[log(1+lt/N)+f't,d*log(1+N/lt) / f't,d+1] 1. california business tax ld = 3 ft,d (for each) = 1 f't,d (for each) = ft,d*log(1+lavg/ld) = 1*log(1+4/3) = log(7/3) = 1.22 DFR (california) = log(1+95/250000)+1.22*log(1+250000/95) / 2.22 = log(1.00038)+1.22*log(2632.58) / 2.22 = 0.00055 + 1.22*11.36 / 2.22 = 6.243 DFR(business) = log(1+601/250000)+1.22*log(1+250000/601) / 2.22 = log(1.0024)+1.22*log(416.97) / 2.22 = 0.0034+1.22*8.70 / 2.22 = 4.782 DFR(total_1) = 6.243 + 4.782 = 11.025 2. california business tax return ld = 4 ft,d (for each) = 1 f't,d (for each) = ft,d*log(1+lavg/ld) = 1*log(1+4/4) = log(2) = 1 DFR (california) = log(1+95/250000)+1*log(1+250000/95) / 2 = log(1.00038)+log(2632.58) / 2 = 0.00055 + 11.36 / 2 = 5.68 DFR(business) = log(1+601/250000)+1*log(1+250000/601) / 2 = log(1.0024)+log(416.97) / 2 = 0.0034+8.70 / 2 = 4.352 DFR(total_2) = 5.68 + 4.352 = 10.032 </pre>

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for image_67183617.JPG Resource Description for image_67159297.JPG Resource Description for image_67202049.JPG
California business tax : 11.024 California business tax return : 10.033
((resource:image_67183617.JPG|Resource Description for image_67183617.JPG)) ((resource:image_67159297.JPG|Resource Description for image_67159297.JPG)) ((resource:image_67202049.JPG|Resource Description for image_67202049.JPG)) California business tax : 11.024 California business tax return : 10.033

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for Screenshot (45).png
(Edited: 2022-04-30)
((resource:Screenshot (45).png|Resource Description for Screenshot (45).png))

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for WhatsApp Image 2022-05-01 at 10.22.45 AM.jpeg
((resource:WhatsApp Image 2022-05-01 at 10.22.45 AM.jpeg|Resource Description for WhatsApp Image 2022-05-01 at 10.22.45 AM.jpeg))

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
Resource Description for apr27.jpeg Resource Description for apr27.1.jpeg
((resource:apr27.jpeg|Resource Description for apr27.jpeg)) ((resource:apr27.1.jpeg|Resource Description for apr27.1.jpeg))

-- Apr 27 In-Class Exercise
import math
def score(query, ld):
    DFR = 0
    ftd = 1
    ftd_prime = ftd * math.log(1 + l_avg / ld, 2)
    for term in query:
        DFR += (math.log2(1 + occ[term] / N) + ftd_prime * math.log2(1 + N / occ[term])) \
               / (ftd_prime + 1)
    return DFR
if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = 250000
    l_avg = 4
    occ = {"california": 95, "business": 601, "tax": 354, "return": 607}
    given = ["california", "business"]
    query1 = ["california", "business", "tax"]
    print(query1, score(given, len(query1)))
    query2 = ["california", "business", "tax", "return"]
    print(query2, score(given, len(query2)))
Resource Description for Screen Shot 2022-05-01 at 8.45.47 PM.png
import math def score(query, ld): DFR = 0 ftd = 1 ftd_prime = ftd * math.log(1 + l_avg / ld, 2) for term in query: DFR += (math.log2(1 + occ[term] / N) + ftd_prime * math.log2(1 + N / occ[term])) \ / (ftd_prime + 1) return DFR if __name__ == "__main__": N = 250000 l_avg = 4 occ = {"california": 95, "business": 601, "tax": 354, "return": 607} given = ["california", "business"] query1 = ["california", "business", "tax"] print(query1, score(given, len(query1))) query2 = ["california", "business", "tax", "return"] print(query2, score(given, len(query2))) ((resource:Screen Shot 2022-05-01 at 8.45.47 PM.png|Resource Description for Screen Shot 2022-05-01 at 8.45.47 PM.png))
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